11 August 2005


The proceedings for SIGGRAPH05 have recently been put up online, and have provided a bumper crop of shiny computer graphics papers. There's a pile of papers there on meshing to keep me busy and out of trouble for a couple of days at least; and a very interesting section on Geometry on GPU's (though I have to admit, it still drives me nuts at how much people expect of GPU's at this stage - they're not standard CPU's, and are not simply a CPU substitute!!).

I also got around to noticing that the SIGGRAPH 2006 call for papers is up and running; its going to be in Boston next year :)

I'm dead keen on getting a full paper submitted to SIGGRAPH06. Given their traditional rejection rate of somewhere around 80%(!), it'll be a fairly ambitious venture but one well worth pursuing. I suggested to my lovely wife that I would quite happily submit our first child to the SIGGRAPH program committee in exchange for acceptance of my paper submission. It doesn't actually state anywhere in the submission guidelines that they won't accept an infant as supporting material for a paper submission, however, Briony was quick to point out that:
  • The scheme raises some small ethical issues
  • The papers committee probably won't know how to review and rebut a screaming, Fed-Ex'ed infant
  • We probably won't be able to manufacture a complete infant in time for the submission deadline in January '06 anyway
  • It is unlikely that any of the reviewers will be evil enchantresses named Dame Goethel
  • The infant is unlikely to be named Rapunzel (though it has already been decided that our fifth child is definitely going to be called Roflburgers)
Well, I thought it was a good idea at the time.

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